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Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Global Warming

Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperatur rises). it happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurt many people, animal, and plants. many of them cannot take the change,so they die. This would happens because the plants would not be able to take the heat. this would cause us to have less food to eat and it would also limit the food that animal have. With less food, like grass, for animals that we need to survive (like cows) we would even have less food. gradually, people, plants, and animal would all die of hunger.

  • What are people doing to stop global warming?
 People are doing many thing to try to stop global wraming. One thing people are doing is carpooling. carpooling is driving with someone to a place that you are both going to. This minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air by a car.

Another thing that people are doing is being more careful about leaving things turned on like the television, computer, and the light. A lot of people are taking time away from the television, and instead, they are spending more time outdoors. This helpsour planetout a lot. Now, more people are even riding busses, walking to school, and riding their bike to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. Planting trees and recycling also helps. If you recycle, less trash goes to the dump, and less tras gets burned. As a result, there are fewer greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere.
Watch what you buy. Many things, such as hairsprayand deodorant, now are made to have less of an impact on the atmosphere. Less greenhouse gasses will rise into the air, and global warming will slow down.


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